The Team
We at EicherLogistik work likewise. The individual skills of the team members and the joint intensive longtime practice are basis for a perfect well-cooperating team – as required for a successful relay. Each single consultant carries the expertise of the entire team in his „backpack“.
We continuously enhance our methods, our training moduls and our software tools – on one hand because we strive for excellent performance but primarily to secure a competitive advantage for our customers.
Egon Eicher
Dipl.Ing., Dipl.Wirtsch.Ing.
Studies in München, Canada and South America; 13 years of production optimization, capital assets evaluation, software implementation and logistics training and consulting at Siemens AG; 1993 foundation of EicherLogistik; development, implementation and training of logistics training modules, software tools and consulting.
Martin Berg
Dipl.Kfm. Ing. (grad.)
10 years of process consulting and executive manager for planning and conrolling at Siemens AG; since 1989 freelance management consultant specialized in production contolling, materials planning and product ramp-up as well as co-operation partner for logistics training at EicherLogistik.
Karl Eichler
Ing. (grad.), Phys. Techn.
20 years of sales and project management experience in the area of data processing technology at Siemens AG; 10 years as executive manager logistics at Computer Gesellschaft Konstanz; since 1997 co-operation partner for logistics training, consulting and sales at EicherLogistik
Walter Broschek
Dkfm., Mag.
40 years of practical experience et al. at Siemens AG, Austria Email AG, AGIPLAN GmbH; since 1983 freelance management consultant and co-operation partner for logistics training at EicherLogistik; assistant lecturer at WU Wien and at FH Steyr
Networking Partners:
Depending on the project content we include experts from our partner network.
Rudolf Usner
knowlegde about specifics in the automotive supply industry;
know-how in the product development process;
for questions about Performance Monitoring;