
We are still in the phase of hunters and gatherers – at least when we are talking about data. Thereof we have more than enough. But how about decision guidance, planning support, analysis aids?
Science describes the interrelation of the Supply Chain in complex formulas. However these formulars often slumber unused and incomprehensible in literature. We at EicherLogistik combine data and formulas and flavor it with methodology, practical experience and visualization techniques.
This is our recipe for a decision supporting data editing. Only with a few clicks and without studying thick manuals the user is kept in the picture - in the truest sense of the word: simulating future developments on the basis of graphics and make use of „what-if“-analysis, in order to replace act-on-instinct-solutions with rational decision making.
EicherLogistik Software supports planners, material planners, production controllers and purchasers to ensure the availability of material and goods in the logistics chain at the lowest costs as possible. For controllers, businessmen, logistics representatives and Supply Chain Consultants the software reveals potential savings.

Your company’s ERP software delivers the mass data, which is processed with our software application. Based on our methodical knowledge and the flexibility of our software solution results and graphics are delivered very fast. The user can make customized queries, analysis, calculations and simlations. Thousands of training participants contributed with their feedback to the continuous development of our software tools, achieving a functionality practitioners are looking for.
All software tools pursue the following principles:
- implementation within two weeks
- amortisation within one year
- customizing within two weeks
- combination of logistics and commercial view
- parameterisation via user
- „what-if“ simulations
- praphic presentation
Software Tools:
Eicher ForecastManager
calculates and forcasts quantities for B and C articles and supports material planners with A articles. Graphics and charts offer decision assistance.
Reference customers:
Freudenberg Haushaltsprodukte in 7 countries
Eicher IventoryOptimizer
shows possibilites for inventory reduction, calculates inventory levels, classifies and segments articles, simulates and optimizes planning parameters.
Reference customers:
Siemens AG (7 plants) and BASF Ludwigshafen and Antwerpen
Eicher WorkingCapitalSimulator
simulates effects of different improvement meassures of the Supply Chain on costs and working capital.
Eicher PlanningSimulator
compares different material planning methods, optimizes multi-leveled supply chains, evaluates and graphs the results.
Reference customers:
ZF Friedrichshafen
Eicher LineFeederSimulator
simulates and optmizes the supply of the production lines depending on the production program.
Reference customers:
Autoliv Dachau
Additional informations, presentations etc.