
Do you know the answers of the following questions?
- How can you reach the optimum of a three-level production chain?
- When is it better to use Kanban and when the reorder point procedure?
- How high is the inventory risk and the availability risk with a plan-controlled material planning?
- What safety inventory is necessary calculating with a forecast quality of 80%?
- Which planning parameters result in an optimum of ordering costs and stock and storage costs?
These and other questions can be answered with our software application at the push of a button. The simulation of decisions on operative level allows the synchronisation of single-level or multi-level Supply Chains.
Reasons for implementing the PlanningSimulator:
- provides a transparent basis for decision making concerning the dimension of single-level or multi-level Supply Chains and Production Chains
- allows to define individual demand pattern or to adopt already available demand pattern from the ERP system
- offers to compare plan and consumption triggerd planning methods
- creates cost transparency
- provides single-level and multi-level Supply Chain simulations
- allows statements on delivery capability depending on planning parameters
- provides a perfect opportunity to dimension and synchronize the Supply Chain together with the suppliers
- can be customized by the user
Time and Cost Input

Reorder Point Simulation

Time and Cost Results