
Do you know the answers of the following questions?
- Do you use approriate planning methods and planning rules?
- Can you simulate the effects of planning decisions?
- How much can the inventory be reduced, if the delivery capability is lowered by 3 % points?
- Can you name the 10 worst inventory producers within 5 minutes?
These and many other questions can be answered by our software application at the push of a button. Thus on tactical as well as on operational level rational decision making can replace “gut†decisions.
Reasons for implementing the InventoryOptimizer:
- reduces inventory and frees up tied capital
- increases delivery capability
- avoids stock outs
- supports the definition of inventroy objectives on all levels and for all article segments
- calculates the necessary inventory for 100%, 95% and 90% delivery capability and the corresponding costs
- calculates optimal planning parameters
- simulates the effects of planning and scheduling decisitions
- enables a multiplicity of up to now difficult analyses and creates transparency
- allows freely definable article segmentations
- offers drill down function from segment to article
This application is
- compatible with all ERP systems
- implemented within a few days
- easy and intuitive to handle
- within few month paid by the benefits
- beneficial tools for material planner, production controller and purchaser
- meaningful support for controller, businessman, logistics and Supply Chain executives
Quantity Simulation

ABC-XYZ Analyses

Inventory Simulation