
Do you know the answers of the following questions?
- What is the forecast accuracy?
- Do we use the right forecast methods?
- Is the relation between planning effort and forecast quality reasonable?
- Are mathematical, statistical forecast calculations applicable for our business?
To generate a forecast with minimal effort und yet with high quality is a challenge. Our tool supports you facing this challenge. The planer gets mathematically optimized proposals, which he can accept or fill with his current market expertise. All values are anytime tracable!
Reasons for implementing the ForecastManager:
- highest forecast accuracy with automatical selection of the optimal calculation method of the past data
- identifies for the sales personnel for which articles it makes sense to take corrective action and for which articles mathematical calculations deliver adequate accurate results
- shows the forecast accuracy of the past months
- supports seasonal demand as well as product ramp ups and ramp downs
- offers easy, intuitive handling with graphic charts
- calculates target sales
- saves planner’s notes – decisitions are comprehensible anytime
- saves planned figures for ERP system transfers
This application is:
- compatible with all ERP systems
- implemented and usable within a few days
- easy and intuitive handling
- within few month paid by the benefits
- beneficial tool for sales and logistics
- also as server solution with multiple user links
Data Input

Parameter List

Graphic Chart