

Do you know the answers of the following questions?

  • What percentage of part numbers and what part numbers have moved in the last year?
  • What percentage of part numbers and what part numbers represent 80% of the movements?
  • Is there a possibility to classify articles according any criteria (e.g. price, consumption patern, input patern, volume, coverage, …)?
  • Do you have the possibility to filter out 10 of the greatest inventory drivers within 5 minutes?

These and other questions can be answered with our Software Application at the push of a button. For this reason rational decisions can be made and gut decisions can be replaced both on tactical and on operative level.

Reasons for implementing the DataAnalyzer:

  • shows excess inventory and helps to free up bound capital
  • helps to increase material availability (delivery capability)
  • supports to define inventory objectives on all levels and in all article segments
  • calculates the necessary inventory for a delivery capability of 100%, 95% and 90% and the respective cost savings
  • calculates optimal planning parameters
  • offers a number of so far difficult analyses and provides transparency
  • allows freely defineable article segmentations
  • provides drill-down functionality from segment to article

This application is part of our software package InventoryOptimizer© and is:

  • compatible with all ERP systems
  • implemented within a few days
  • easy and intuitive to handle
  • paid by the benefits within few month
  • a beneficial tool for material planners, production controllers and purchasers
  • a great support for controllers, business men, logistics and Supply Chain personnel

Article Segmentation

ABC Configuration

ABC Classification