
A view throught different glasses opens new perspectives. In contrary to the company′s employees external observers can question business processes unbiasedly and must not fear to lose face. These could be reasons for involving external consultants.
Long-time experience and exercise in analysing and improving processes combined with the ability of active listening and selecing the appropriate approach out of many are qualities characterized by our consultants. We do not have one "pair of glasses" only, we select them according to the respective setting of the tasks. The improvement of the business processes whether of the complex project business, the systems business or the serial production business, is our excellence and passion.
EicherLogistik consultants are professionals with methodic, hard and soft skills. The senior consultants are not only involved in project acquistitions, they stay on site until the project has been sucessfully finished – from analyzing phase to realisation phase.

Our consulting projects often start with a workshop, establishing initial position, procedures, conditions, dates and objectives. Thereby experiences of the customer and experiences of the consultant correlate, requiring the consultant’s expertise as moderator with professional competence and the ability to integate customer’s knowledge.
During the following phase of analysis a sound IT knowledge is required, in order to receive the necessary data at the least possible input.
During the creative phase combinatorics are questioned. Developing alternative solutions based on the theoretically possible and the practically reasonable and simulating where applicable. To find the adequate compromise requires evaluation methods as well as experience and imagination of the consultant.
The decision for one specific solution must be made by the company itself. But then persuasive power is needed to integrate the employees affected by the project. Process changes often encounter resistance. Resistance should not be broken but must be overcome. Here the consultant needs social skills and sensitivity. Finally authority is needed to implement the changes and to acieve the objetive within the planned time and the planned costs.
Our consultants accomany you during specific project phases as well as during the entire project to lead the developed solutions to a success.
Process Consulting Projects:
Customer Order Process
Product Rump-up Process
Procurement Process
Material Planning Process
Production Process
Additional informations, presentations, etc.